Over the past five years, we've had the opportunity to work alongside some of the world's most devoted nonprofits, motivated volunteers, and generous partners. It is because of you that Project: Website has been able to make a small, yet meaningful impact.
As the future of social good evolves with our descent into a post-COVID world, we believe that the nonprofit community would be best served by an expanded selection of pro-bono digital services. To this end, we are proud to announce that Project: Website will be joining forces with Nonprofit Foundation to provide a wider slate of services that expands beyond just web development.
This joint effort will enable us to best serve our nonprofit partners and equip them with the tools they need to sustain their missions on the web. Leveraging our experience over the past few years, we'll build out the essential infrastructure to support nonprofits for years to come.
For many of us, this has been among the most rewarding efforts that we've been apart of. We thank all of you for the opportunity to work with you. If you'd like to stay involved, please visit Nonprofit Foundation's website.
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